My New Stable Life

My life feels perfect lately! My biggest dream ever finally came true… I own a home. I work at a fancy company that pays for me to travel to places I never even dreamed of going to. I am in a happy & healthy relationship with my partner of 5 years. I live with my sister who is my best friend. My parents are living their best lives together in Mexico and I have the privilege of visiting them twice a year.

The life I have today is a life I never imagined having. The first 23 years of my life were filled with tremendous hardship. I faced family separation, sexual assault, failed relationships, traumatic family deaths, and so much more. For the longest time, I felt like I was in this deep hole that just kept getting deeper and deeper while everyone just watched me struggle from above.

Getting hired at Spotify felt like being thrown a ladder that helped me get out of that hole. A couple of months after I started working, my sister and I moved from a tiny studio into a 2 bedroom apartment. For most of our lives, my sister and I lived in tiny places. We shared rooms with our parents and never had our own space so this felt like a huge step in our lives. Less than a year after that, we purchased a 3 bedroom 3 bathroom townhome in Orange County. This was a dream come true. As someone who moved around a lot and always lived in other people’s homes, I know the value of owning something and it feels liberating to be able to do so.

The financial stability that I have had for the last year and a half has allowed me to grow tremendously. I was severely depressed for most of my life and did not want to live most times but I am so happy I am here today experiencing a much better life. I want to share my life journey with whoever will listen. Life hasn’t been easy but I now know that it was worth it. I hope the lessons I have learned can help others. I know how lonely life felt and I wish someone would have looked at me and said, “I know exactly how you feel because I’ve been there but I promise it does get better.”


Oh, what a year…